internal package Foswiki::Plugins::FormPlugin

_startForm( $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

_endForm( $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

_formElement( $session, $params, $topic, $web ) → $html

_processValidationRules ( \%formData ) → \%validationRules

Processes validation rules.

Adds submitted form values in $field→{submittedValue}

_clearRequestFromUnknownFields( $request, \%formData )

Check if fields in request object are defined in $fields. Otherwise throw out of request object.

Known added fields: - FP_actionurl - FP_name - FP_anchor - validation_key

Shorthand debug function call.

For testing rest calls with FormPlugin. No params: returns a dump of all params. Param show: returns the value of that param.

Topic revision: r1 - 28 Mar 2022, UnknownUser
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