internal package Foswiki::Plugins::HttpsRedirectPlugin

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See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

internal package Foswiki::Plugins::HttpsRedirectPlugin

To interact with Foswiki use ONLY the official API functions in the Foswiki::Func module. Do not reference any functions or variables elsewhere in Foswiki, as these are subject to change without prior warning, and your plugin may suddenly stop working.

For increased performance, all handlers except initPlugin are disabled below. To enable a handler remove the leading DISABLE_ from the function name. For efficiency and clarity, you should comment out or delete the whole of handlers you don't use before you release your plugin.

NOTE: When developing a plugin it is important to remember that Foswiki is tolerant of plugins that do not compile. In this case, the failure will be silent but the plugin will not be available. See Plugins for error messages.

NOTE: Defining deprecated handlers will cause the handlers to be listed in Plugins. See Plugins for information on regarding deprecated handlers that are defined for compatibility with older Foswiki versions.

NOTE: When writing handlers, keep in mind that these may be invoked on included topics. For example, if a plugin generates links to the current topic, these need to be generated before the afterCommonTagsHandler is run, as at that point in the rendering loop we have lost the information that we the text had been included from another topic.

initPlugin($topic, $web, $user, $installWeb) → $boolean

  • $topic - the name of the topic in the current CGI query
  • $web - the name of the web in the current CGI query
  • $user - the login name of the user
  • $installWeb - the name of the web the plugin is installed in

Topic revision: r1 - 28 Mar 2022, UnknownUser
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